Tamil Nadu Boarding Schools
All India - other
Education and Learning - Coaching Classes
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Coimbatore Residential School , It is a wonderful school which is doing a great service for ADHD/Autistic Children. THERE ARE VARIOUS THERAPIES AVAILABLE AND ADHD Children studying in the standard ,observing a great deal of improvement in the behavioural attitude of children and extremely happy as well peaceful. THEY WOULD BE OF DEFINITE HELP AND THEY HAVE HOSTEL FACILITIES FOR BOTH BOYS
Matriculation School, Coimbatore which is for sure , would fulfill your expectations. VERY SAFE, THE STAFF ARE EXTREMELY CARING, INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION , INTERNATIONAL FACILITIES AT MODERATE COSTS .
If you need more details contact us the following Mobile numbers: 0091-97866-91903/99656-16661/98422-33110.
Email : pearlseducationindia@gmail.com website: